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Certificates in Civil Law and Common Law

Law Bulletin A-Z Index

College of Law Dates to Remember

Fall Term 2009

August 14-22 New student orientation
August 24 Classes begin
August 28 Add deadline
October 17 Withdraw deadline
October 30 Last day to apply for graduation
December 4 Last day of classes
December 9-22 Final Exams

Spring Term 2010

January 7 New students arrive
January 11 Classes begin
January 15 Add deadline
March 12 Withdraw deadline
April 26 Last day of classes
April 29-May 12 Final Exams

The College of Law offers a program granting a Certificate in Civil Law and a Certificate in Common Law. This unique certification program is based upon Loyola’s dual common law and civil law curricula and encourages substantial study of the two dominant Western legal systems. A student choosing to complete the requirements for the certificate acquire an understanding of the conceptual framework of each legal system. In an era of increasing recognition of the international marketplace, an individual with this understanding is well-equipped to deal with legal issues from the perspective of the two legal systems that prevail throughout much of the world.

Students who desire to obtain either certificate should notify the assistant dean of admissions no later than May of their first year. For requirements, Academic Requirements and Regulations.