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Scholarly Journals and Activities

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College of Law Dates to Remember

Fall Term 2009

August 14-22 New student orientation
August 24 Classes begin
August 28 Add deadline
October 17 Withdraw deadline
October 30 Last day to apply for graduation
December 4 Last day of classes
December 9-22 Final Exams

Spring Term 2010

January 7 New students arrive
January 11 Classes begin
January 15 Add deadline
March 12 Withdraw deadline
April 26 Last day of classes
April 29-May 12 Final Exams

Loyola Law Review

The Loyola Law Review is a scholarly periodical published four times per year by the editors and members of the Law Review. The Editorial Board extends candidacy for the review based on scholastic achievement at the end of the first year (the top 10 percent of the full-time students and the top 10 percent of the part-time students are invited to candidacy), and based on an annual write-on competition (the top 20 percent of the full-time students and the top 20 percent of the part-time students are invited to participate). Students are not eligible for candidacy unless they have completely fulfilled the course requirements of the first year of the full- or part-time curriculum in which they originally enrolled. The candidates participate in a program of legal research, writing, and editing leading to the publication of the Law Review.

Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law

The Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law (JPIL) is a scholarly journal that is published twice a year by its candidates, members, and editors with the support of the Gillis W. Long Poverty Law Center. The JPIL publishes articles, student comments, and casenotes that provide the legal and academic community with a scholarly perspective on the issues facing the poor, elderly, and children, among others.

Invitations for candidacy are extended by the Editor-in-Chief to students who comprise the top twenty-five percent of the freshman class following the second semester of their first year.

Students may write on to the journal if they are in the top 40 percent of the class as long as they have not begun their senior year of study and have completed 30 semester hours of study. The write on competition will be conducted by the Journal each Spring and is open to students in the top 25 to 40 percent. Candidates must write either a comment or casenote to satisfy membership requirements.

Loyola Maritime Law Journal

The Loyola Maritime Law Journal is a publication which is published annually and provides an avenue for research and writing by students, faculty, and practitioners in the dynamic and exciting field of maritime law. Editorial board members are selected annually from the editorial staff. Students who have completed all requirements of the first year of the full- or part-time curriculums and who are in the top third of their respective programs are invited to apply for candidacy for journal membership. Membership can also be extended to rising second year students who are in the top third of their respective program.

Loyola Law and Technology Annual

The Loyola Law and Technology Annual is a scholarly publication focusing on current legal issues in patents, copyrights, trademarks, and technology law. It is one of the few university publications devoted specifically to these topics. Editorial board members are selected annually among the editorial staff. Staff positions are available to all students in good standing and who are members of the Intellectual Property & High Technology Law Society. The publication is distributed to law schools throughout the United States and to law firms and practitioners specializing in intellectual property law throughout Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. Issues are also sent to various intellectual property firms and institutions overseas.

Articles include materials from faculty, practitioners, and students. Student submissions are typically shorter than those submitted by legal professionals, but are expected to reflect superior writing and legal analysis.

Moot Court

Moot court, a comprehensive program in which students are given an opportunity to participate in intramural and intercollegiate moot court competition, offers training in the art of oral advocacy and the skills of brief writing.

A moot court board, composed of six senior law students, is responsible for the organization, administration, and selection of members of the national moot court teams who compete with other law schools in the region and nationwide.

Selection for the positions on the teams is made on a competitive basis, with each participant graded individually on each appearance before a bench of judges. Eliminations are made and selections are based on those grades.

Loyola teams have a national reputation for excellence and regularly win or place high in regional and national competitions.