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Student Spiritual Formation

Law Bulletin A-Z Index

College of Law Dates to Remember

Fall Term 2009

August 14-22 New student orientation
August 24 Classes begin
August 28 Add deadline
October 17 Withdraw deadline
October 30 Last day to apply for graduation
December 4 Last day of classes
December 9-22 Final Exams

Spring Term 2010

January 7 New students arrive
January 11 Classes begin
January 15 Add deadline
March 12 Withdraw deadline
April 26 Last day of classes
April 29-May 12 Final Exams

College of Law Ministry

Jesuit education is a process that involves the whole person. As law students face the challenges and rigors of their education, University Ministry, within the Office of Mission and Ministry at Loyola, helps them maintain a healthy balance. As they strive for academic excellence, seek to integrate their faith, clarify their deepest values, and grow in an awareness of their mission to be men and women with and for others, University Ministry is there for them to be their companion on the journey. By taking advantage of our various programs, retreats, service and justice activities, and opportunities for pastoral counseling, law students easily find the support they need to develop their talents and thus become leaders with a vision, leaders who will struggle for justice in the world.

The College of Law Chaplain is Arlene Wiltz, whose office is located in the Broadway Activities Center, room 102. She can be reached at (504) 861-5494, or

University Ministry Chaplains

Executive Director of Mission and Ministry: Fr. Ted Dziak, SJ
Director of University Ministry, Resident Chaplains: Mr. Kurt Bindewald
Executive Assistant for Mission and Ministry: Mrs. Deborah LaMarca
Associate Chaplain/Community Service and Immersion Programs: Mr. Joshua Daly
Associate Chaplain/Interfaith Ministry: Mr. George Gallien
Associate Chaplain/ Christian Life Communities and Retreats: Ms. Laura Quigley
Associate Chaplain/Liturgy and Music: Mr. Kenneth Weber
Associate Chaplain/College of Law Chaplain: Mrs. Arlene Wiltz
Associate Chaplain Fellowship: Ms. Alexis Yankowski

Loyola University Ministry: 504-865-3226, 

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth and Faith Development

University Ministry supports the spiritual formation and faith development of the entire Loyola community through:

Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction

University chaplains are trained and available to assist others with their spiritual formation and counseling needs. They offer a welcoming and trusting place to find a listening ear, an understanding heart, and a companioning mentor. Contact Arlene Wiltz, the College of Law Chaplain, to inquire about pastoral counseling and spiritual direction.

Worship and Communal Prayer

All faith communities are strengthened and missioned by their worship and prayer. University Ministry is dedicated to providing quality liturgies where community members actively participate in prayer, word, and sacrament. We offer a variety of worship opportunities and encourage students to share their gifts as a liturgical minister or volunteer.

Mass is celebrated on the main campus in Ignatius Chapel, Bobet Hall, Monday through Friday at noon, Monday through Thursday at 9 P.M., and Sunday at 10:30 A.M.. and 9 P.M. On the Broadway campus, Mass is celebrated weekly in the Martha and Mary Chapel in Greenville Hall. Contact Arlene Wiltz, 504-861-5494, for the weekly schedule. During the semester, there are bi-monthly special Law School Masses, followed by lunch. Dates for these Masses are posted in the law school. (All liturgy schedules are subject to change.)

The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated on the main campus by appointment with any priest. Contact the University Ministry Office at 504-865-3226 to schedule an appointment.

Interfaith and Ecumenical Opportunities

University Ministry provides many ecumenical and interfaith opportunities for students to celebrate their diverse faith and cultural traditions. We provide training for lay ministry and encourage involvement in a diversity of prayer experiences. We also facilitate relationships with area ministry offices from other faith traditions. Through our shared worship and prayer, we seek enrichment through our differences while working to create community.


University Ministry provides a variety of opportunities for retreats, discernment and days of reflection. This can be a time to experience God’s love more profoundly and intimately, to find rest and renewal, and to reflect upon God’s active presence in all the experiences of your life. Contact the College of Law Chaplain for details.

Sacramental Preparation

In addition to administering the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation each week, University Ministry provides instruction and guidance for students who are preparing for Confirmation in the Catholic Church and Marriage. For students considering joining the Catholic Church, the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process will help them discern their decision and prepare them for the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and/or Confirmation. We also provide Anointing of the Sick as needed. Contact the College of Law Chaplain for details.

Christian and Spiritual Life Communities

Ignatian spirituality and the Jesuit vision of education include: prayer, community, service, and working for peace and justice in the world. This tradition serves as a model for small groups of women and men who come together in a more intimate community for faith sharing. Christian Life Community (CLC) members meet on a regular basis to break open the word and to support and encourage each other in living out the gospel. Members also form a supportive community that socializes together and engages in works of social justice outreach. For people who would prefer to be involved with an interfaith community, there are opportunities to join a Spiritual Life Community (SLC) that centers their faith sharing on a rich diversity of spiritual resources. Contact the College of Law Chaplain for details.

Faith Doing Justice

From the belief in the power of the Gospel to transform the world, University Ministry provides a variety of opportunities for a student to live a reflective life of action for service, justice, and peace. Along with the Pro Bono program, University Ministry provides other opportunities to serve and advocate for the poor and marginalized, through the Loyola University Community Action Program (LUCAP), The St. Thomas More group, yearly immersion trips to Jamaica, Belize and Mexico, frequent visits to local soup kitchens, and many other programs available for students. The College of Law Chaplain is always available to help a student find a program suitable for his or her needs.